After an inquiry from tinsmith Øivind Nilsen, we started the production of shillings (facade panels) in different sizes for B7 (building) in Eufemiasgate in Oslo. The customer was responsible for the cost of the material 6WL, ColourTex® stainless steel, from the supplier Rimex Metal (Australia). The material was shipped from the UK. The appearance the facade should have and the surface treatment was crucial for the choice of this material with this special bubbling surface structure.

The stainless steel is immersed into a hot aqueous solution contained in heated tanks. A natural reaction leads to a thickening of the chromium oxide layer which in turn leads to light interference effects between the surface of the film and the surface of the stainless steel. This results in a breakdown of reflected white light and creates a perception of colour.

The perceived colour moves through a spectrum of colours as the thickness of the chromium oxide layer is increased on stainless steel. The visible “color” is a “vibrant color” that will change with the angle the eye sees and the environmental lighting. The tinsmith workshop quickly got the finished pennies and worked in parallel to break up the fasteners.

Quality:Aisi 316L, Surface:Granex M1A,Color: Rosy Gold, Pattern:6WL Reverce
The facade project was successful and the expression was both striking and unique.